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Congratulations to the 2016 Recipients for the Champions for Change Awards

The following people and programs were selected in 2016 to receive Champions for Change awards for their significant contributions in the areas of Sustainability or Health & Well-Being. Academics: Ronald Lange Ronald Lange has been collecting and preparing voucher herbarium specimens and taking photographs of the campus flora for the past several years. He enriches the […]

Arbor Day Celebration 2016

Tree Planting and Arbor Day Celebration Friday, January 15, 2016 9:00 am – Lake Alice shore (near the intersection of Museum Rd. and Village Dr.) Trees Planted Peve Minaret Bald Cypress – Taxodium distichum ‘Peve Minaret’: Exceptional dwarf upright tree with attractive fern-like textured foliage. Flat yellow-green needles provide a long season of color, turning […]

Campus Earth Day 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Plaza of the Americas The UF Office of Sustainability will be hosting the 2016 Campus Earth Day Celebration on Wednesday, April 6 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm on the Plaza of the Americas. This annual event will include interactive displays, a tabling and activity fair, the State […]

UF Campus Biodiversity Symposium

Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:00 – 4:00 pm Reitz Union Meeting Room G320 (ground floor) If you are currently working, studying, or have an interest in the field of Biodiversity, the Office of Sustainability and the Biodiversity Institute are excited to invite you to join our first campus-wide UF Campus Biodiversity Symposium! The goals of the Symposium are to bring […]

UF earns top honors in Kill the Cup Challenge

Campaign saves 267,000 cups from landfill, awards social impact grants to six winning teams SAN DIEGO, December 9, 2015 – Kill The Cup today announced the winners of the 2015 University Challenge, a nationwide campaign that encourages students, staff, and faculty across the country to reduce waste from disposable coffee cups. Greeks Going Green, the […]

One Less Car Campaign highlights importance of sustainable transportation

By Michelle McNally, Contributing Writer GAINESVILLE, Fla. — On any given weekday there can be 50,000 students, 17,000 faculty and staff and a number of visitors on UF’s campus. With that amount of people, the campus functions like a small city. It is not surprising that traffic is a usual occurrence and parking is a […]

Kill the Cup Challenge enters final days of competition

By Jessica Schein, Contributing Writer The Pumpkin Spice latte is back this fall at Starbucks along with a new recycling initiative for the university. The “Kill the Cup” challenge, which started on October 5, is a nationwide competition that is working towards the promotion of using reusable cups instead of single-use disposables. The University of […]

RTS named Outstanding System of the Year

Gainesville, Florida – The Florida Public Transportation Association (FPTA) awarded the City of Gainesville’s Regional Transit System (RTS) the Outstanding System of the Year at a ceremony on Monday, October 26, during their annual meeting. FPTA officials reviewed 37 transit organizations in the state for proficiency in safety measures, efficient operation procedures, providing additional value […]

Campus Kitchen Project looking to revitalize, reduce food waste

By Andrew Kluess, Contributing Writer A University of Florida student organization is trying to put a dent in the American food waste epidemic. The Gainesville chapter of the Campus Kitchen Project is an organization looking to help solve the hunger issue locally. They take food that would be wasted and create nutritious meals for the […]

Student takes advantage of Gainesville’s bike friendly atmosphere

By Karlyn Marcy Contributing Writer; Intern, Office of Sustainability Biking seven or eight miles in a day is not unusual for Carolyn Batt. The public relations junior can be spotted riding on campus to class, the gym or even to the grocery store when she quickly needs a thing or two. Batt’s father helped introduce […]