UF Campus Biodiversity Symposium
Thursday, March 10, 2016
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Reitz Union Meeting Room G320 (ground floor)
If you are currently working, studying, or have an interest in the field of Biodiversity, the Office of Sustainability and the Biodiversity Institute are excited to invite you to join our first campus-wide UF Campus Biodiversity Symposium!
The goals of the Symposium are to bring together faculty, staff and students to:
- Share knowledge and compile existing information about on-campus biodiversity
- Discuss ways to identify and catalog biodiversity on UF’s campus, such as creating a central database for courses, student groups and others to catalog species on campus
- Foster collaborations among researchers working in areas related to biodiversity studies
- Explore links between on-campus and larger scale biodiversity research
- Identify opportunities for further support, networking and knowledge-sharing
To accomplish these goals, we will host small group discussions around a variety of topics ranging from local to global biodiversity and the connections between them, followed by a larger group discussion of some of the key points raised within those conversations.
Our tentative agenda is:
- 2:00-2:15 – Introduction
- 2:15-3:15 – 5 rounds of guided small-group discussions
- 3:15-3:30 – Summary and large-group discussion
- 3:30-4:00 – Networking and follow-up from the large group discussion
Current attendees include representatives from:
- UF Office of Sustainability
- UF Biodiversity Institute
- Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
- Department of Landscape Architecture
- National Institute of Amazon Researchers
- Marston Science Library
- Soil and Water Science Department
- UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation
- UF Tropical Conservation and Development
- UF Extension
- Florida Museum of Natural History
We also invite you to bring a poster of your work to display. If posters are not self-standing, please bring a display stand with you.