Gators Recycle: New Pilot to Improve Recycling Participation on Campus

In early September 2021, the UF Office of Sustainability launched the new Gators Recycle Pilot project in the Plaza of Americas and Library West areas. With the support of Library West and Facilities Services staff, the Office of Sustainability worked to implement temporary new signage and messaging in strategic locations, including on and near existing waste/recycling bins.

The goal of the pilot is to evaluate the impact of new waste/recycling messaging and outreach on the awareness of and participation in waste diversion efforts within the campus community. To assess the impact of the pilot, the Office of Sustainability is collecting input and survey responses through multiple channels, including in-person observations and the online survey below.
The first of the pilot locations can be found on a set of the solar-powered Big Belly Bins in the Plaza of Americas (directly south of the entrance to Library West), and features eye-catching and educational graphics around what items can and cannot be sorted into each bin. The second pilot location can be found on the 2nd floor of Library West and shares similar educational graphics. In addition to this, digital and physical signs have been incorporated into existing signage in Library West.
If you would like to contribute to improving recycling and waste diversion efforts on campus, please complete the brief survey below! We are looking for a broad range of participants, including students, staff and faculty!

This pilot is part of an ongoing contract with consultant Burns & McDonnell, along with marketing partner Cascadia, to evaluate past and ongoing recycling efforts at the university and offer a comprehensive set of recommendations to UF. Initial observations and analysis provided by Burns & McDonnell indicate that UF’s waste diversion program has a long history of strengths and innovation to build upon. This pilot phase will provide even more insight and inform recommendations for future recycling/waste messaging and education on campus.
Interested in volunteering to help collect in-person observations and survey responses? Sign up here.
Want to learn more about waste diversion efforts on campus, including compost? Visit our Waste webpage here or find out how you can get involved with the #GatorsBEATWaste Station in the Reitz Union this semester here.